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The Comics Canon

Sep 27, 2023

(Note:You may just ever-so-faintly hear a neighbor's barking dog occasionally adding his two cents in the background for the first half or so of the episode.)

A perennial Spider-Man foe gets a horror-monster makeover (and our Spidey Super Stories miniseries concludes) with 2010’s Shed from Amazing Spider-Man...

Sep 18, 2023

Despite popular demand, our recurring comics-themed quiz returns! This time, Curt surprises Kevin with a pop quiz on everyone’s favorite unstoppable X-Men villain, following last week’s episode on Amazing Spider-Man: Nothing Can Stop the...

Sep 13, 2023

In this episode, we swing back into our Spidey Super Stories miniseries with a pair of acclaimed Spider-Man tales from the early 80s: The two-part Nothing Can Stop the Juggernaut from Amazing Spider-Man #229-230, and The Kid Who Collects Spider-Man, from Amazing Spider-Man #248!

First, everyone’s favorite...